Laila fastest growing UK dry rice brand for 4 years running

Laila fastest growing UK dry rice brand for 4 years running

Latest figures reveal Laila Basmati is the fastest growing rice brand in the UK Top 3 for a fourth year running.

Turning in sales growth of 33.6% Laila added more than £5 million year on year to the dry rice category according to latest Nielsen data.(Nielsen 52 w/e September 5th, 2020)

With annual rice sales now edging over £20 million, Laila’s popularity is gathering pace with UK consumers – with the traditionally big bag brand also achieving shelf space on the mainstream aisles this year.

Established in 1996 to bring high quality, authentic basmati rice to the rice-eating Asian community of the UK, Laila Basmati has long been a top seller on the world food aisles at national retail as well as being a firm favourite with the independents. However, this year, the leading rice brand also earned a place on the mainstream rice aisle.

The additional mainstream fixture is likely to further accelerate growth into 2021. Since March 2020 over 4 million 1kg Laila packs, a brand new size format for the brand, hit the mainstream aisles of almost all the major retailers including Tesco, Morrisons, Asda the Co-op, Aldi and Spar, among others.

The success follows one of the biggest rebrands in Laila’s history – which included the introduction of 100% recyclable packaging across its entire range of smaller bags and the launch of the new strapline - ‘Love Laila Naturally’.

The rebrand was part of a multi-million-pound drive to attract mainstream customers to the authentic brand and further strengthen its popularity with the UK's ethnic communities.

Harry Dulai, Managing Director of Surya Foods, owners of the Laila brand, said: “2020 has proved to be a phenomenal year for us. Not only are we the fastest growing dry rice brand in the UK Top 3 for four years running, we have also gained listings in all of the major multiples mainstream rice aisles – a first in our brand’s 30 year history. And this is in addition to our powerful ‘Big Bag’ presence in the World Food aisles.

“The majority of the grocery sector is performing incredibly well, in comparison to last year, with the shift to more home cooking - with total market year on year sales growth at extraordinary highs in the region of 7%. However, for Laila to have delivered four to five times this already exceptional average, with phenomenal sales growth of 33.6%, really drives home just what an incredible year we have had.

“Going forward we expect Laila’s growth to gain even greater momentum as trends that have underpinned our 2020 success story continue to dominate.”

Surya Foods has also seen its Salaam rice brand climb the UK Top 10 dry rice charts, moving from position 10 to 8, with annual sales of £4 million.

Surya Foods has also seen its Salaam rice brand climb the UK Top 10 dry rice charts, moving from position 10 to 8, with annual sales of £4 million.

Laila has grown to become one of the nation's favourite rice brands, popular with consumers and ethnic chefs alike due to its quality and authenticity. Its loyal following with the UK's ethnic communities has helped it achieve a longstanding position as the top selling rice brand on the world food aisles of national retailers Tesco and Asda for several years running.

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